<h2>Welcome to the Cooperatives By-law Builder</h2>
<p>This online tool permits you to easily build a set of by-laws for your cooperative. It allows you to customize the by-laws to better meet your cooperative's needs.</p>
<p>This tool was developed exclusively for cooperatives under the New Brunswick <strong><i>Cooperatives Act</i></strong> and should not be used for creating bylaws for any other purpose or organization.</p>
<p><strong><u>Disclaimer: </u></strong></p>
<p>The information on this site, and sample language in this tool, is provided for educational and informational purposes only. While FCNB considers the information provided to be reliable at the time of posting, FCNB does not represent or warrant that it is complete, timely, or accurate. FCNB is not responsible for any damage, however caused, which results from the use of the Cooperatives By-Law Builder. It is the cooperative's responsibility to ensure that its by-laws meet its specific needs and are in compliance with the <em>Cooperatives Act</em> or any other applicable laws. You may include additional by-laws respecting your cooperative’s internal organization and the conduct of your business, so long as the provisions do not contravene the <em>Act</em>. Any by-laws in contravention of the <em>Cooperatives Act</em> are invalid.</p>
<p>If you are considering using your own provisions, or if you are uncertain or confused about any aspect of preparing the by-laws, you may wish to seek legal advice.</p>
<p>As a regulatory agency, FCNB cannot provide financial or legal advice, but can help you get the information and resources.</p>
<p><strong><u>User Instructions: </u></strong></p>
<p>The process involves completing by-law content selections on a number of sequential pages.</p>
<p>At the end of the process you will be able to generate a downloadable PDF of the by-laws for your use.</p>
<p>These by-laws must be maintained at the registered office of the cooperative. Members, investment shareholders and creditors of a cooperative and their personal representatives may examine the by-laws during the usual business hours of the cooperative and may take extracts from the records, free of charge, or have copies of them made after payment of a reasonable fee.</p>
<p>According to RULE COOP-001 <em>General</em>, the first by-laws of a cooperative made by the first directors, must be confirmed, with or without variation, by extraordinary resolution of the members of the cooperative at the first meeting of members. </p>
<p><strong>*Note:</strong> The use of symbols (including % and $) are not recognized by the tool. If you leave the form, the session will reset and <strong>your work will not be saved</strong>. When you return you will have to start over at the beginning.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Click the <strong>Next</strong> button to get started.</p>